Name's Kaely H.K.L
I'm a female. Female, not shemale
Birthday's on 1 January
Religion's Christian
Chinese, fortunately not from China
Singaporean, la leh meh lor hor
Still schooling, hmpf
Anti-lian, anti-twit, anti-everything-that's-obscene
Dim sum for the win!
Mee pok for the win!
Cheese fries for the win!
Pasta for the win!
High matebolism for the win!

Articulate (5366!)



Wen Jing


Ruo Yi


Wiki's definition of lians
Twit Patrol

*Blog is private

Friday 9 January 200913:41

Hello. So school ended at 12.15PM today- Rather early.
Had an english test- and there'll be another one next week.
I spent the past few hours looking for Colin's blog, Eric's blog, Joel's blog, Nicholas's blog, and all the other SL's blogs. I got a start from Cassandra's e-mail, *smile*. Homework's not yet completed, but I will complete it by Sunday- Promise. There's gonna be youth group tomorrow, but I'm not that keen on going- Don't know why, just don't feel like it. I might edit this post later, bye :)


Tuesday 6 January 200919:10

Today was awesome, as always. And I thank God for that. Heehee.
Kelvin, Darren and Wen Zhi's still stalking me- Well at least, that's what I think since everyday during recess or lunch time, wherever I go, I always see the same people. And all 3 of them, just keep smiling/turning back to stare at me/talking about me.

So I spent my whole hour on the swing during recess today. Oh wait, lunch too.
When I turned back, I saw Wen Zhi- And his friend, Timothy. When I turned to the right, I saw Darren- Eating lomaikai again, and smiling at me. When I looked at the other swing right in front of the one I was on, I saw Kelvin and his clique, laughing and pointing at me. But Kelvin wasn't laughing at all- He looked kinda pissed actually. So I suppose his friends were making fun of me. It's just wierd that Samantha doesn't realise that they've been stalking us since the first day of school. She just goes, "OH LOOK THAT'S KELVIN! OMG HE'S SO HOT!!! OH AND DARREN TOO! OH AND MOSQUITO(Wen Zhi's nickname)". She's simply oblivious about what's going on. But still, spending time with Eric and Colin's kinda cool. Fyi, they're my mentors. I think it's because they're really mature, heehee. And now I feel safer 'cos Colin walks home with me everyday, so yea. Um, that's all. Bye.


Saturday 3 January 200918:51

Oh, so some of you were asking me about my first day of school.
Well, it was really awesome- Wicked awesome, to be honest.
The best thing so far is that my school has a COFFEE VENDING MACHINE.
Oh my, I love coffee. Oh, and the discipline in my school is hell strict.
I wouldn't want to go into details about it- It's hell scary.
Anyway, everyone in my class is wicked awesome too.
Everyone's just so nice and sociable, and really funny too. But they're really quiet during class time- Reason is because the teachers are hell strict too.
Strict- But funny. And I like it, 'cos there aren't any Ah Lians in my class at all.
And recess lasts for 1 hour everyday except Fridays- How cool is that? Awesome, huh?
And there are swings too. Really fun to play on, gee I can't wait to go back to school. And the student leaders aren't unfriendly like how I expected them to be. They're actually very nice, friendly and awesome people. Thank God, I LOVE SCHOOL.
Oh, bad thing- We aren't allowed to bring our cell phones into the school. Booo.
And there were 2 really weird but hot guys following Samantha (My new friend) and I during recess. One's Darren, the kid I met the first time I stepped into the school, also the very first person I made friends with in Xinmin. And the only person I talked to before I met Samantha. Darren kept smiling at us, staring at us and following us around during recess while he was eating his lomaikai. And another one's Kelvin- Samantha's crush. Kelvin kept hiding behind the bookshelves during recess and following us around the canteen. It was really awkward. Samantha, Kelvin and I met on the day we bought our school uniforms. Our parents kept talking to each other during that day while the three of us were smiling awkwardly at each other. And Kelvin reminds me of Joshua 'cos he's tanned and hot. And sporty. And has a nice smile. But Kelvin's much more sociable than Joshua. Besides, I like talking to Kelvin only because talking to him feels like I'm talking to someone I've known since God-knows-when. It's really cool. But I plan to focus on my studies, so yea.
Bye :)


Friday 2 January 200916:27

Hello little earthlings! Heehee. Well, as you all know, yesterday was my BIRTHDAY!
Hurray, hurray, hurray, I'm _______. They say a picture speaks a thousand words :O. So Imma post some of the pictures taken from my birthday party (celebrated with my not-so-evil side of my family- With all the abcs), by the coolest photographer- My brother, Joshua Is So Not Hot*. Let's start with the food, shall we?

There was a wide variety of food. But the highlight of the day was the home-made pizza and turkey. From the top: The first photo shows us (Uncle Boon, Mom and I) preparing the pizza. And the second, the pizza :P. Okay, turkey's next!

From the top: The first picture shows my dad, uncle boon and aunty charis cutting up the turkey. Kekekeke. The second picture's a close up of the first. The third picture shows me, salivating and waiting impatiently for the turkey :S. The fourth, me eating the turkey- Hey, it was awesome turkey :P Anyway, next!

The younger version of Kaely HKL! Nah :S. It's Sarah, the little cutie I've been talking about.

Aaron, heehee. I despise his dad, I love him.

Left: Aaron's dad. Right: The most generous and loving uncle in the universe.

Me, feeding Jimmy. Oh yea, there's a story behind how I ended up feeding him. Well, it's more of a conversation. I'll type it out anyways. So aunty Charis, also Jimmy's mom, got pissed 'cos Jimmy refused to eat. So... I volunteered to help. :)

Kaely: You know what? Why don't I feed Jimmy instead?

Aunty Charis: Okay, sure. Oh thank you, Kaely. *Walk away*

Jimmy: *Stare at Kaely* I don't need you to feed me! I'm 6, I can feed myself!

Kaely: *Stares back at JImmy* You sure? Oh, boy, then go ahead and feed yourself. *Passes plate to Jimmy*


I found it kinda cute. Don't you? Gee, talk about being 6 :P

Paul, eating.

From the top: My brother with Aunty Charis. Me with Aunty Charis

Me, on the way to the party.

Me, "gliding" down the staircase

Me, with the urge to scratch my Aunt's car 'cos it knocked down my $300 bike last week- Leaving it screwed up.

Anyway, I love you too Alfreda. KTHXBAIIIIIIIIII!


Wednesday 31 December 200813:47

"There's nothing wrong with staying home, as long as you've got your radio".
I'm at home. With my radio, playing oh so crappy songs. Feeling really bored. Waiting for Alfreda to get online, and for her to answer my calls- But to no avail. Therefore the conclusion- I'm lonely too. Oh, and I'm devouring on M&Ms too. Boo, I've just finished my last one. I'm not grounded, if that's what you're thinking. It's just that I've misplaced my damn key, you see. So I had instant noodles for lunch instead. Oh, did I tell you? I look like poo in my new school uniform. Really nerdy. 'Cos the skirt's just, too high. Like, at my waist. And the shirt's too big. Boo. Hoo. I'm drooling over Taylor Lautner's photo now. I really don't mind being locked up at home with him. At least I could like, hug him or something. If only there were such a thing as a mega-sized Taylor Lautner action figure/doll/plushie toy. I'd hug him for as long as I can, and I doubt I'd ever let go unless he tells me to. :(. Alfreda's grounded, as far as I know. Boo. Hoo. It's my birthday tomorrow. Shouldn't I be happy?. Gee, boy am I happy for myself. But how could I be happy when Alfreda's grounded? I'd be a jerk for doing that. Anyway, I've placed an order for my chocolate banana espresso and walnut flavoured Cedele cake (As shwon in the picture above- Creds go to Cedele's website) for my birthday party tomorrow. My 12th birthday. With my family. :(. I've never celebrated my birthday with my friends before. And I really wanna do that for my 12th, but my mom wouldn't give in to me. :( ANSWER MY CALL, ALFREDA. SOS!
Not that important, I'm just lonely :( I miss you too. And I love you, xx. Bye

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